MCC is a not-for-profit organization striving to build a residential substance abuse treatment center for women and their young children in Onondaga County
Onondaga County is the only major city in NYS that does not have a residential facility
There is a huge need for a family housing facility where mothers will receive in-patient care while keeping their children with them and their families intact
Currently, mothers in need of residential treatment are often forced to place their children in foster care causing many more long-term problems for the family
This diminishes mother-child bonding and hinders the development of parenting skills​
Residential centers like this are known to be effective and can break the addiction cycle
Leveraging partnerships among the justice system, the community, government entities and private foundations, the envisioned facility with its programs will give recovering mothers and their children the support and tools they need to become healthy, independent families.

We believe all women can embrace who they are, can define their future, and can change the world.
"I have been making a monthly reoccurring donation to MCC for over 2 years. How can we ignore one of the most vulnerable populations in Syracuse - Mothers who are dealing with small children and substance abuse? These women want good lives for their children and themselves; but they face so many challenges. In addition, I want their children knowing that other people care for them also. I want women to have an option for a path to a better life and I want to be apart of that solution."
-Donor Fayetteville, NY
Our Mission
Mothers and Children in Crisis, Inc. has the simple goal for mothers to take care of their children. For some mothers, this requires a safe place to live while receiving intensive substance abuse treatment and a safe environment for infants and young children, to grow and learn in a warm home.

Our Vision
Currently, there are no in-patient substance abuse treatment facilities in Onondaga County where women can live with their children while receiving intensive in-patient substance abuse treatment. Several other counties in the state have such facilities and are successful. Our vision is to provide these services to our community.
We Believe
There is dignity in all human beings. All people deserve a chance to improve their lives and the lives of their family members. Substance abuse is a family crisis as well as a community crisis. Quality medical care and substance abuse treatment are crucial to an individual’s success if they have a history of substance abuse. Education and job training are fundamental for establishing autonomy for all individuals.